I am currently an Associate Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. I received my PhD degree in mathematics from the Hong Kong Baptist University, supervised by Prof. Michael Ng. Before that, I earned my B.Sc degree of mathematics at Sun Yat-sen University in 2012.
Research Positions Opening: |
Research Interests
- Multi-view/Multi-domain Data Learning
- Numerical Linear/Multi-linear Algebra / Optimization
- Network Learning / Social Networks Analysis
- Distributed Learning / Federated Learning
- [Network Learning] National Natural Science Foundations (NFSC) of China, Principal Investigator, 2019-2021
- [Multi-view Learning] Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China, Principal Investigator, 2018-2020
- [Data Fusion] China Computer Federation (CCF) Open Fund, Principal Investigator, 2018-2019
- [Recommender Systems] Joint Fund with Wechat Group Tencent, Principal Investigator, 2018-2019
- [Federated Learning] CCF-Tencent Open Fund WeBank Special Funding, Principal Investigator, 2019-2020
- [Knowledge Graph] Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China, Principal Investigator, 2019-2021
- [Blockchain] National Key Research and Development Program of China, Principal Investigator, 2019-2020
- [Big Data Fusion] NSFC-Guangdong United Project-Big Data Research Center Funding, Co-Investigator, 2020-2023
- [Network Learning] Joint Fund with Game Department, NetEase Int., Principal Investigator, 2020-2021
- [Network Learning] Tencent Open Fund Wechat Special Funding, Principal Investigator, 2021-2022
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
- C. Chen, M. Ng and X. Zhao, "Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Nonlinear Image Restoration Problems", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2014
- C. Chen, X. Li, M. Ng and X. Yuan, "Total Variation Based Tensor Decomposition for Multi-Dimensional Data with Time Dimension", Numerical Linear Algebra with application. 2015
- L. Cui, C. Chen, W. Li and M. Ng, "An Eigenvalue Problem for Even Order Tensors with its applications". Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 2015
- W Wang, C. Chen and M. Ng, "An Image Pixel Based Variational Model for Histogram Equalization". Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2015
- C. Chen, M. Ng and S. Zhang, "Block Spectral Clustering Methods for Multiple Graphs". Numerical Linear Algebra with application. 2016
- C. Chen, M. Ng and S. Zhang, "Block Spectral Clustering Methods for Multiple Graphs with Inter-relations". Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics. 2017
- H. Zhu, C. Chen, L. Liao and M. Ng, "Multiple Graphs Clustering by Gradient Flow Method". Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2017
- C. Chen, J. Xin, Y. Wang, L. Chen and M. Ng, "A Semi-supervised Classification Approach for Multi-domain Networks with Domain Selection". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2018
- F. Ye, J. Liu, C. Chen*, G. Ling and Z. Zheng,"Identifying Influential Individuals on Large-Scale Social Networks: A Community based Approach". IEEE Access. 2018
- Z. Lin, F. Ye, C. Chen* and Z. Zheng, "BGN: Identifying Influential Nodes in Complex Networks via Backward Generating Networks". IEEE Access. 2018
- R. Li, F. Ye, S. Xie, C. Chen* and Z. Zheng, "Digging into It: Community Detection via Hidden Attributes Analysis". Neurocomputing. 2018
- W. Chen, Z. Zhang, Z. Hong, C. Chen*, J. Wu, S. Maharjan, Z. Zheng and Y. Zhang, "Cooperative and Distributed Computation Offloading for Blockchain Empowered Industrial Internet of Things". IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2019
- M. Zhou, C. Chen#, J. Peng, Y. Zhou, X. Xie, and C. Luo, "Fast Prediction of Exacerbation Risk in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Using Vital Signs and Admission History". JMIR Medical Informatics. 2019
- P. Li, C. Chen*, W. Zheng, Y. Deng, F. Ye, and Z. Zheng, "STR: An Automatic Evaluation Metric for Machine Translation Based on Word Embeddings". IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 2019
- C. Chen, J, Wu, H. Lin, W. Chen and Z. Zheng, "A Secure and Efficient Blockchain-based Data Trading Approach for Internet of Vehicles". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2019
- C. Chen, H. Qian, W. Chen, Z. Zheng and H. Zhu, "Auto-weighted Multi-view Constrained Spectral Clustering". Neurocomputing 2019.
- F. Ye, C. Chen*, Z. Wen, Z. Zheng, W. Chen and Y. Zhou, "Homophily Preserving Community Detection". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2019
- J. Huang, C. Chen*, F. Ye, W. Hu and Z. Zheng, "Nonuniform Hyper-Network Embedding with Dual Mechanism", ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 2020
- C. Chen, Y. Li, H. Qian, Z. Zheng*, Y. Hu, "Multi-view semi-supervised learning for classification on dynamic networks", Knowledge-based Systems. 2020
- C. Chen, R. Li, L. Shu, Z. He, J. Wang, C. Zhang, H. Ma, K. Aihara and L. Chen*, "Predicting future dynamics from short-term time series by anticipated learning machine", National Science Review. 2020
- J. Wu*, Q. Yuan, W. You, W. Chen, C. Chen*, and Z. Zheng, " Who Are the Phishers? Phishing Scam Detection on Ethereum Based on Network Embedding". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 2020
- C. Chen, Y. Wang, W. Hu, Z. Zheng, "Robust Multi-View K-Means Clustering with Outlier Removal".Knowledge-based Systems. 2020
- Y. Li, C. Chen*, N. Liu, H. Huang, Z. Zheng, Q. Yan, "A Blockchain-based Decentralized Federated Learning Framework with Committee Consensus". IEEE Network Magzine 2020
- W. Hu, C. Chen*, Y. Chang, Z. Zheng, Y. Du, "Robust graph convolutional networks with directional graph adversarial training". Applied Intelligence. 2021
- C. Chen, Z. Wu, Z. Chen, Z. Zheng*, X. Zhang*, "Auto-weighted Robust Low-Rank Tensor Completion via Tensor-Train", Information Sciences. 2021
- F. Ye, Z. Zheng, C. Chen, and Y. Zhou, "DC-RSF: A Dynamic and Customized Reputation System Framework for Joint Cloud Computing". IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS 2017
- Y. Wu, F.. Xie, L. Chen, C. Chen, Z. Zheng, "An Embedding based Factorization Machine Approach for Web Service QoS Prediction". International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2017
- F. Ye, J. Liu, C. Chen*, G. Ling, Z. Zheng, Y. Zhou, "Efficient Influential Individuals Discovery on Service-Oriented Social Networks: A Community-Based Approach".International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2017
- F. Xie, L. Chen, D. Lin, C. Chen, Z. Zheng and X. Lin,"Group Preference Based API Recommendation via Heterogeneous Information Network", ICSE 2018
- S. Xie, Z. Zheng, L.Chen, and C. Chen. "Learning Semantic Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation", ICML 2018
- F. Ye, C. Chen*, J. Zhang, J. Wu, and Z. Zheng, "An Adaptive Semi-Local Algorithm for Node Ranking in Large Complex Networks". ICSOC 2018
- F. Ye, C. Chen* and Z. Zheng, "Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection". CIKM 2018
- F. Ye, S. Li, Z. Lin, C. Chen*, and Z. Zheng, "Adaptive Affinity Learning for Accurate Community Detection". ICDM 2018
- Z. Chen, C. Chen*, Z. Zheng and Y. Zhu, "Tensor Decomposition for Multilayer Networks Clustering". AAAI 2019
- W. Chen, J. Wu, Z. Zheng, C. Chen*, and Y. Zhou, "Market Manipulation of Bitcoin: Evidence from Mining the Mt. Gox Transaction Network". INFOCOM 2019
- Z. Chen, T. Cai, C. Chen*, Z. Zheng and G. Ling,"SINE: Side Information Network Embedding". DASFAA 2019.
- J. Huang, C. Chen*, F. Ye, J. Wu, Z. Zheng and G. Ling, "Hyper2vec: Biased Random Walk for Hyper-Network Embedding". DASFAA 2019.
- W. Hu, C. Chen*, F. Ye, Z. Zheng and G. Ling, "Nonnegative Spectral Clustering for Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Learning". DASFAA 2019.
- Y. Li, C. Chen*, F. Ye, G. Ling and Z. Zheng, "A Semi-supervised Classification Approach for Multiple Time-varying Networks with Total Variation". DASFAA 2019.
- Z. Chen, C. Chen*, Z. Zheng, Z. Zhang, and Q. Zhou, "Variational Graph Embedding and Clustering with Laplacian Eigenmaps". IJCAI 2019.
- W. Zheng, Z. Zheng, H. Wan, and C. Chen*, "Dynamically Route Hierarchical Structure Representation to Attentive Capsule for Text Classification". IJCAI 2019.
- F. Ye, C.. Chen*, Z. Zheng, R. Li and J. Yu, "Discrete Overlapping Community Detection with Pseudo Supervision". ICDM 2019.
- F. Ye, Z. Lin, C. Chen, Z. Zheng, H. Huang, "Robust Collaborative Web Service QoS Prediction with Outlier Resilience". WWW 2021.
- L. Cui, W. Li and C. Chen, "The bound of H-eigenvalue of some structure tensors with entries in an interval".
- J. Wang, C. Chen and Z. Zheng, "Optimal Chain: A Blockchain Based on Proof-of-Optimization".
- J. Zhang, J. Wu, C. Chen, F.. Ye, and Z. Zheng, "CDS: A Cross–Version Software Defect Prediction Model with Data Selection".
- C. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Zheng and N. Xiao, "Block Term Decomposition for Multilayer Networks Clustering".
- C. Chen, Z. Zhang, Z. Chen, Z. Zheng, Q. Zhou, "Attributed Graph Clustering with Uncertainty Estimation".
- W. Hu, C. Chen, F. Ye, J. Huang, Z. Zheng, G. Lin, "Learning Deep Discriminative Representations with Pseudo Supervision for Image Clustering".
- C. Chen, W. Hu, Y. Chang, Z. Zheng, "Robust Graph Convolutional Networks with Directional Graph Adversarial Training".
- Z. He, C. Chen, N. Liu, Z. Zheng, J. Wu, "DA-DNE: Dual Attention Based Dynamic Network Embedding".
- X. Li, Y. Li, C. Chen, Z. Zheng. H. Li, Q. Yan, "A Unified Federated DNNs Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices".
- D. Yang, C. Chen, Y. Zheng, Z. Zheng, "A Flexible Framework for Large Graph Learning".
- L. Shu, C. Chen, X. Xing, Z. Zheng,"AHNA: Attributed heterogeneous network representation learning based on aggregate-path".
- F. Ye, Z. Chen, H. Qian, R. Li, C. Chen*, and Z. Zheng, "New Approaches in Multi-View Clustering", Recent Applications in Data Clustering, IntechOpen
- IJCAI-ECAI 2018 Distinguished PC members (Level-2) 2018
- FWO Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowships, Belgium 2016
- Yakun Scholarship Scheme for Mainland Postgraduate Students, Hong Kong, China 2015
- Postgraduate Studentship, HKBU, Hong Kong, China 2012-2015
- The First Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Research Papers of SYSU 2010 (1/57), China 2011
- The First Prize Scholarship of SYSU (5/150), China 2010
- National Scholarship of China (2/150), China 2010
- The Honorable Mention for MCM, SIAM 2010
- Computer Skills: Matlab, Java, Python / LaTeX, MS Office
- Language: English, Chinese, Cantonese
Reviewers/PC/SPC members for:
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Neurocomputing
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2018 2020 2021
- European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2018
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 2021
- International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB) 2018